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Page history last edited by Tantek 15 years, 3 months ago


For Panel being submitted by Natalie Villalobos:


10 Questions Answered on This Panel: (add your thoughts or questions. can go over 10)

1) What is Agile?

2) What is Non-violent Communication?

3) What is Getting Things Done?

4) What are Life Camps?

5) What are the commonalities between these communication and prioritization methodologies?

6) How can you use these to drive healthier personal as well as professional relationships?

7) How can we move beyond health care/maintenance to BodyOptimization and optimal fitness?






50 word description of panel: (rough draft, over 50 words, would love your input!)

A panel about how we use typical work prioritization and communication methodologies to organize and facilitate personal relationships. How we become greater mediators and communicators through specialized life skills. Could also incorporate importance of bringing meditation, self-empathy, etc into the workplace to create internal balance in an anxious environment (a visa versa). How do our sacred, personal relationships and spiritual tendencies transform our work environment.



Title of Panel: (8 words) (thoughts?)



Potential panel speakers: (add your ideas too!)

Tantek Celik

Ariel Waldman

Kevin Rose


Mark Trammell

Juliette Melton

Kevin Cheng

Coley Woepper

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